Woodland Door September 9, 2009

hungry for missing hearts
his hers both
sore tried by abandonment
warrior king had lost fay laughter
gone, silent haunting eyes
music taken by soulless wind
forest carpet no longer showed
imprints of dancing feet
hours days eons ago
laird had without thought spoken
"Brigid I cannot be your friend"
dance stopped in mid step
song ceased in mid tone
hands that had reached toward him
curled against spiderweb vest
tears slipt down suddenly pale cheeks
"because you are human and I am not"
came softest murmur
moan shivered through slight form
ephemeral light shattered
lithe body anguished writhed
pulled apart by growing gale
she was gone
quest began
mountains heard laird's echoing calls
empty valleys seduced him
seas destroyed his oaken boat
ages passed mortal king by
hawthorn staff supported exhausted soul
stumbling into unearthly grove
warrier king swayed, blinked
shaft golden green with light
surrounded dark woodland door
leaf littered ground beckoned him
laird grew still
breath gone
heart silenced
life energy spent
yet somehow he could hear
soft fay whisper
wafting from woodland door:
"I forgive you my warrior king,
welcome home"